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     Видеокарты : Asus V9480 TVD  

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Asus V9480 TVD

версия для печати

Advanced GPU - NVIDIAВ® GeForce 4 Ti 4800SE

The NVIDIAВ® GeForce 4 Ti 4800SE Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is the first AGP-8X GPU capable of driving complex geometries and character animations. With its advanced nfiniteFXв„ў II Engine, superior Accuview Antialiasing techniques, and flexible nViewв„ў display technology, the GeForce4 Ti 4800SE GPU allows end users to experience radically immersive graphical environments complete with unique visual effects, and the most realistic, life-like images ever experienced on a desktop PC.

AGP 8X support
By adding support for the newest AGP 8X (AGP3.0) standard, the V9480/TVD takes advantage of the new peak AGP bandwidth of 2.1 GB/s to offer higher graphics performance.

The dual-Vertex Shaders of nfiniteFX II Engine significantly improves animation quality. It also ensures extra horsepower for the special effects seen only in movies.
Accuview technology delivers the highest performance and no-penalty Quincunx Anti-Aliasing quality, enabling rock-solid compatibility with all applications.

Lightspeed Memory Architecture II Engine
Composed of various technologies such as Z-compression and 2nd generation Z-culling, NVIDIA’s LMA II Engine and 128-bit memory interface provide fierce processing power to your system.

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